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What do we provide?

One to One Guided Meditation Services

one to one guided meditation

Our trained volunteer meditator will guide participants to look back on their troubles and worries in a meditative state, so as to help them reacquaint with themselves. They will understand their inner thoughts, feelings, mode of thinking, personality, and attitude towards life, so that they may restore the motivation needed to start their life journey on a new path

Yoga Services

Importance of yoga

Throughout this pandemic, one can see many people (including ourselves) go through pandemic fatigue due to various uncertainties. Yoga is one practice which one can do at any time any day with minimal equipment. Besides the feasibility of yoga, yoga has several benefits to the mind and mental wellness of the practitioner. At Heart and Soul Ltd, we give you 3 luring reason why you should adopt the practice of yoga

Enhance your focus and concentration in an attention-fragmented world for better performance at work and mental health.

Improve your strength, balance and flexibility for a more healthier life.

Manage your stress and anxiety better through the several breathing and meditative yogic practices